Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome Mei..

Bulan ke 4 site ini berjalan..
I have not too much expectation forth and beyond, beside to make something usefull, applicable.
Valuable for you, for me, for the rest of us. It is passionate when you can make something which having impact for other people, no matter less or few, no matter you ever known them or not.
I won't put any target at all as long I enjoy what I did. Growing up something with my hand, watching it slowly moves, and make sure everything is gonna be ok.
Time is keep going, and I still passing through all sleepless night, sitting down to my computers with thousands idea over my head, with many more lessons I've learn.
There were some points in my upcoming agenda's such as; beta release of version 2, Java Middlet application, Affiliation and Ads.mechanism in future.. etc. Wheww.. so much things to do in my less spare-time *senyum*
..bear with me
Oleh: k320i
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