- Blog name: type any name which short enough, eg. Rio's Blog on MobineSSia
- URL: here is your MobineSSia blog feeds as http://mobinessia.com/feed/?username
e.g for Rio's blog is in http://mobinessia.com/feed/?rio - Topics: type in any word which help others to find you, for eg. personal blogs of rio, gamers blogs, serba-serbi facebook etc. - Language: select which major language you use on your blogs. - Description: type your blogs description. Click on "Next" button 3. On the next screen you've been asked to authorize your Blog. Select the simple way by ask nine of your friends to verify it. At this point you're already subscribing your MobineSSia's Blogs Feeds on NetworkBlogs application. Now we're going to tell it to show on your FB wall everytime you made a new blogs from MobineSSia. But keep in mind that you can publish your blogs on your wall once you verified as the blogs owner. 4. Click on Profile from NetworkedBlogs 5. Click on your Blogs Thumbnail or you Blogs Title. 6. Click on Feed Settings 7. Put checkmark on the field "Auto-publish to personal profile". To make sure it is work, just click on Publish a Test Post. Done! As you might notice, your Blog Post pulled by NetworkBlogs in a periodic times. Not in realtime. But if you have more follower in NetworkBlogs your feeds will be fetch more often. But if you don't want to wait until the next pull time, you can click the 'pull now' link to tell NetworkBlogs software to pull your feed right away. Please read on http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/help_feedschedule.php for more info about it. --oOo--
As posted on www.MobineSSia.com
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