Thursday, December 31, 2009


Cmua rencana dgn my sweety gagaL.....Cinta Qu kanDas sblum ta0n bru....SediH....Tp gw hrz ttp trsnyum menyambuT 2010^^

By: mitsuko
As posted on

Happy New Year 2010

Wish everyone a Happy New Year 2010 !

Wish MobineSSia a Happy Birthday on 1'st Jan 2010, for it first year running !

*image (c)Ratna Mayasari

By: administrator
As posted on

Revision Update 2.m

Dear Members,

Here we announce small updates and the least updates in this year.

Here is the updates:

1. Auto Tweets for Blog Posting*
Before this updates, you can have auto tweets into your Twitter Account when you updating your Chronologer.
From now on it is also make new Tweets everytime you post a new blog here. Sure, we cannot tweets whole blog text into 140 chars length Twitter limitation instead of posting -a portion- of Blog Titles and an URL which point to your complete articles.

Auto tweets is also created while you posting blogs using MMS/Email, and Quick Blog Posting methods.

*This feature will work for every member who has Twitter account, and already connected from his/her MobineSSia's profile ( as announced on )

2. Chronologer inverted text
This just small fancy features that will makes your status updates (or chronos) text rotated 180 degrees.
Unfortunately most mobile browser couldn't render the inverted text correctly, except on most desktop browser.
This fancy tools is the first features on MobineSSia which will consume credits from our inventory everytime we using it.


Happy upcoming brand new year 2010.
Happy holiday seasons..

By: administrator
As posted on

Trims 2009...:)

Walau ada cerita suka dan duka..
Ku rasa tahun ini terasa indah..

Jangan biarkan dia rapuh meskipun telah renta..
Nyala semangat harus membara..
Lengkung senyum
indahkan dunia..

Berharap yang terbaik perjalanan kita, selama siang dan malam masih ada, selama cinta masih bersemayam dalam dada kepadaNya dan junjungan kita yg Mulia..

Melangkah pasti
dan ucapkan,

By: nayfa
As posted on

Jkt - Sub 091230

Emang sih gw blom pernah naik KA Sembrani. Tapi karena sekarang ini lg high-season, gw oke-in ajalah tiket yg gw dapet utk menuju Surabaya....
Tarrraaaa.... Ini exe apa eco sih? Itu pertanyaan pertama yg gw lontarkan ketika masuk ke KA Sembrani ini. Maaf ya, gw pikir jenis KA nya setara dgn KA Anggrek atau Gajayana, yg biasa gw tumpangi, yg dimasing2 row seat ada colokan listrik... Hwahahahaha.... But, actually, Im happy. Berbagi tempat dgn Boim yg ternyata sudah semakin panjang... Inilah awal liburan yg harus gw nikmati...
0455, hmmm, masih sekitar 2 jam lg KA ini masuk sta Pasar Turi. Ngeteh dulu ah (sambil ngusir kecoak kecil)....

By: ratnamayasari
As posted on

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Photos Gallery Widget

Grab MobineSSia Photos Gallery in your desktop, using Photo Gallery widget for Opera Browser desktop.

Download here:


By: administrator
As posted on

Gallery Widget

Grab MobineSSia Photos Gallery in your desktop, using Photo Gallery widget for Opera Browser desktop.

Download here:


By: administrator
As posted on


kok kayak kuburan gini mobinessia,sepi...

By: rivera
As posted on

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hallo Twitter

Jika semuanya berjalan dgn benar maka blog ini seharusnya akan muncul di acct. Twitter q

Cek disini:

By: rio
As posted on

Sunday, December 27, 2009


ahlan wa sahlan ke mobinessia..welcome.selamat datang....*gigi* aku mau tes aja.

By: smile
As posted on

Saturday, December 26, 2009


smile.......xixi senyum tu apa sih,jelasin dunk....??????????//???????????????

By: smile
As posted on

Posting Pictures by MMS/Email

Dear members,

Today we've officially open our new features which allow you to post your pictures by sending it over MMS or by an Email.
As of its mission -to allow unsupported older mobile user- to posting their pictures here, then this feature is dedicated for submiting pictures only. You cannot posting ordinary "text only" blog with this kind method.

This is how it works.
In this example we act as username with an id's: sema and our password: secret

1. Create / compose a new mail and don't forget to attach a picture into it.
2. Type in the Subject area: sema#secret#My Holiday#This is me in Bali

This is a special text string which necessary to recognize which member has posted the pics, the title and picture story that want to publish along with the pictures. The format of text string is following this key:


We put username, password, title post, and short Picture story into single line text which separated by Cross Hatch symbols ( # ).
The first two parts (username#password) is an essensial. Without these it is impossible to recognize the owner of its post. Last two parts (title#story) is an option. You may put these or just leave it blank and edit it later on MobineSSia's blog editor.

3. Leave your Email body as blank. You can put anything here which will not processed by our system.
4. Send your email to this address:

That's all.

1. Create / compose a new Picture Message with your gadget.
2. Type special text string -similar to the explanation above- as the first MMS part.
3. Add image/picture part, and select the proper image that you want to post.
4. Press Send button, and select option to Enter email Address instead of Entering phone number, as it recipient. Type the same email address as above, and send it.
Keep that email address on your phone contact list for future purpose.

We observe some situation as below:
* MMS Posting will takes much more longer time to reach our mailserver, rather than an Email. We cannot tell how long, since its really depends on your phone operator / provider. For ilustration, we use Indosat-M3 and its MMS takes about 3 to 7 hours to reach our mailserver.
* We found that MMS posting if more often failed than Email method; such as undelivered message, some portion text probably missing etc.
* Take notice in MMS composing sequence exactly as above. Put the special text string at first, and add picture part secondly.
* This picture post method is valid for only ONE picture for once submission. It is means that we can not attach more than one picture in one MMS / Email.


By: administrator
As posted on

Di kebun kopi

Istirahat dlm

By: rangga
As posted on

Friday, December 25, 2009


perjalanan pulang ke.........??????

By: smile
As posted on

sapa tuh ??????

imaginasi ku xixixixixixixixxi

By: smile
As posted on


betul betul betul *gigi*

By: smile
As posted on


jo dikejar tuannya xixixi

By: smile
As posted on

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The city's view

Nie slh satu daerah d kota q.. A lil city but nice..

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on


Akses mobin di Nokia N95

By: rio
As posted on - via: Email/MMS


akhir2 ini temperatur makin panas aja y... biasanya pagi hari udaranya segar, dingin-sejuk- tp skarang... ga lg. global warming..bnr2 dh.. hot banggetz.. *nanes*

Oleh: michiru
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the river

This image is posted by an Email / MMS

By: rio
As posted on - via: Email/MMS

iasha and me

isn't she's cute?

By: k320i
As posted on - via: Email/MMS

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



By: aizyo
As posted on - via: Email/MMS

maLaaam ....

*heheh* mE wIth p0nakand *gigi*


By: shasya
As posted on

coretan doank

save my creation..yes.. Whattahell with ma mood..

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

tes lagi

gambar ini diposting via email

By: k320i
As posted on - via: Email/MMS

Dwina in blue


By: dwina
As posted on

Monday, December 21, 2009

Aku Pernah Mencarimu..

Aku pernah mencarimu..

Dikedalaman samudra yg membentang biru
aku mencarimu..

Diluas angkasa tempat awan awan putih
aku mencarimu..

Diantara rinai rinai hujan
aku mencarimu..

Aku pernah mencarimu...
Rindu 'melihat' garis senyummu
Rindu 'melihat' tatap matamu

Aku pernah mencarimu...
Menghabiskan waktu satu musim dgn mencarimu..
Meski hanya semu yg ku temu

Lalu aku lelah mencarimu..
Lelah mencari jejak jejakmu..
Karna kau tak hilang tp menghilang.

Lalu aku berhenti mencarimu..
Memutar haluan dan membangun kekokohan tuk melangkah lg bersama genggam tangan yg menungguku..
Aku melangkah lg, meninggalkan segala kenangan.

"ZeLika..." katamu
aku terhenti..
Aku pernah mencarimu..
Dulu... Dulu...

[ DiLema.. ]

By: zelika
As posted on

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Percobaan posting Blog

Blog ini diposting dgn mengirim email..

By: trigger
As posted on - via: Email/MMS



By: abenk8112
As posted on

luthu na,

lovely..lucu bgd yhe.. *gigi*

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

Saturday, December 19, 2009

me in pink *kedip*

ga ad org nie teh? O my.. Nie kn maming.. R u going to hang out peeps?

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

in red..

bs ga yha..mdh2n bs.. Haa..napa head feels like sway..

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

Red me..

how about it? Hmm..pusing uy.. *keplak*

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

No title lagi

psssttt.. *psst*

By: dwina
As posted on

No title

Teks na. . Pa ja deh gege

By: dwina
As posted on

Friday, December 18, 2009

more bout me

Aqwuhh ntu org na juteeeexxx abs heu klo d real,tp klo d cYber qwu lbay,gagagaga

By: dwina
As posted on

Dwina Notes

Lam kunal muaaaa...

By: dwina
As posted on

gemezz.. *muah*

Hiii..lucu bgd yhe..omigosh..cutie baby.. Well..harus semangat menjalani hidup ! *yes*

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on


Ni dia pQ.
SeLaLu ada saat diriku perLu. SeLaLu menemani kesendirian ku. SeLaLu hadir di setiap mimpi daLam tidurku. Tq, pQ *iluvu*

By: lita
As posted on

Cintanya seperti air...

Rangkai cerita yang telah lama berlalu oleh seorang gadis..

ketika terbit mentari pagi menhidupkan masa belia,
menyelinap diam2 dibalik jendela hatinya..
sebuah perasaan yang tak dia pahami tapi sungguh di maknai..

Hingga suatu ketika di pengghujung senja.. bibir kecilnya hanya diam terkatup rapat, tanpa suara meski hatinya mungkin telah membuncah..

Waktu berlalu, rupanya dia masih setia menjaga seperti bunga tanpa cela, walau sebenarnya sungguh tak seindah kata..

Tak layu hingga suatu hari, dia berkata..
"Mau ku titip dimana lagi rasa ini, di kedalaman samudra, di sinaran jelmaan bulan, atau hanya selembar putih tergores tarian pena"

mungkin dia lelah bertanya, sampai pada titik garis hatinya..
bukan lelah ku putuskan berhenti menggenggam cinta, tapi penghargaan lah ku lepaskan dia..

Bersatu bersama angin, tertuju ke tempat yang lebih indah untuk ku tempatkan..

*hanya cerita beku yang ku alirkan* *senyum*

Oleh: nayfa
Dikirimkan via


td malam ku pegang hp smbl ngantuk bert..ol spt biasa. tb2 memory low.. ga tau knp tanganku yg aneh.. data di message ku hapus smua..pdhal itu data pindahan ,blm sempat d save. ft2 gempa kemarn dr ponsel lama..duh.. bru sadar pagi ini kalo kerja kmrn dlakukan ga pake mikir, pa blh buat, dah terlanjur.. Jd ambl hikmahnya aja.. Jangan ngambl keputusan pas lg ngantuk berat... *senyum*

Oleh: michiru
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Hari ini adalah milikmu

Apabila anda berada dipagi hari,janganlah menunggu waktu petang.Maka anggaplah masa hidup anda hanya hari ini saja,atau seakan-akan anda dilahirkan hari ini dan akan mati hari ini juga.Jangan lupa,hendaklah anda mengukir sebuah tulisan dlm hati anda atau di meja tempat anda bekerja:"hari ini adalah milikmu".

Oleh: smile
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...oi oi oi...

...god save the queen...

By: ragaroh
As posted on

...rasta kadaluarsa...

...gr2 gak prnh si2ran rambutq dl jd gimbal gt tp skrg gak lg coz dah q ptg model mohawk oi oi oi wkwkwk...

By: ragaroh
As posted on

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aq agie ahhhh.. *kedip*

By: sefti
As posted on


TerLeLap daLam ruang mimpi yang tak nyata, Terjebak daLam Labirin... Menggapai...
Berputar... MeLayang...
Tersedot... Semakin jauh...
Semakin geLap...
Hampa udara...

[the hero, 170804]

By: lita
As posted on

Jalan msh Panjang

. . .
Jangan berhenti hanya karna sebuah duri, karna jalan masih begitu panjang..
Masih banyak keindahan yg menunggu diujung sana..


By: zelika
As posted on


I l★ve strawberry

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New: Lite Chat Mode

Dear members..
we're in beta stage of our new feature what we called as Lite Chat mode.
In this new mode, we'd throw so many atributes -from our regular chat modules- to make it became more slim and faster.
But there are always "no pain-no gain" situation in such particular improvements. Besides there are no more cosmetics, we also sacrifying some realtime information display such as; shoutbox header, new message notification and any kind like that.

To invoke this feature is easy.
During your chat session -from any chat room; just type a new command line as:
/l <enter>

(slash-L) where "L" is came from "L"ite mode.

This command is a toggle switch, which mean you can submit it again to turn Lite Mode back off, and so on.

Please try this new mode, and share your opinion -or bug reports- in comments column below.

Happy Lightning..!

By: administrator
As posted on niey..

Gi keondangan teteup narsiez..hehe

By: sefti
As posted on

PerjaLanan ke Hatimu

. . .
Ternyata begitu jauh.. Ternyata begitu tinggi.. Tak kan tersentuh oleh dayaku,
pun jika terus ku daki, hatiku mungkin mati jauh sebelum sampai ke duniamu.. Terlalu jauh hatimu tuk ku sentuh,
Terlalu tinggi tuk bisa ku raih.. Aku hanya bisa,

By: zelika
As posted on

Langit dan Jingga

Mana sajakmu, Langit?
Kenapa tak memberi kabar tentang rasamu?
..tanya sang bayu dikeheningan waktu

Haruskah ku kata lg?
Sedang alfabet tlah habis ku rangkai sedemikian,
menjadi kidung yg didendangkan awan,
terpancar di lukisan lembayung.

Tak kau dengarkah?
Tak kau lihatkah?

harus melalui aksara yg mana agar baru bisa kau mengerti??

By: zelika
As posted on

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Senyum RembuLan

Aku menunggu..

Betapa aku ingin sua,
senyum rembulan

yg dlu pernah kau binarkan!

By: zelika
As posted on


katanya keliatan lebih dewasa

Oleh: emin
Dikirimkan via

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tak kan selamanya

Cinta yang trsirat dalam benakku. Tlah akan tumbuh seperti pohon cemara yang indah. Dan tak kan tumbang oleh topan.Tapi tak kan slamanya cinta ku ini untukmu jika engkau tlah menduakan aku. By: aizyo
As posted on

aaww aach. . .

isenk2 jaa. . .he *gigi*

Oleh: fla4u
Dikirimkan via

"menerima perubahan" :D

Bila menerima perubahan dgn hati yang lapang adalah salah satu ciri2 kebahagian..

Maka besok mungkin akan mjadi awal yg cerah..

Perubahan akan terjadi kepada siapapun, dimanapun,
tentang apapun
Di rencanakan atau atau tidak..
Walau hanya sekeping kejutan.
Oleh: nayfa
Dikirimkan via

i dunno..

trserah dah klo tw aq d site ini.. Whateva u do..will do..i accept it.. Prasaan q ga nyman.. I think u take a change,n u look so difrnt.. Well.. I dunno what will happen 2 us..

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

Sunday, December 13, 2009

green peace,xaxa

. . . . . .
. . . . . .

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on



By: yinlabs
As posted on

lovely baby

lucu yha..

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

No tittle

cek upload

By: ovaliiaa
As posted on

Berbagi isi blog MobineSSia

Ada beberapa hal yg berbeda jika kita mengakses situs ini dgn browser desktop. Satu diantaranya adalah munculnya tombol "share" di halaman blog, pd bagian bawah artikel.
Kegunaan tombol ini adalah utk berbagi artikel -yg sedang ditampilkan pd layar- ke situs bookmark atau social network lainnya, termasuk juga utk memberitahu seseorang melalui email.
Pilihan situs luar yg ada cukup banyak, seperti Facebook, Twiter,, MySpace dll, sebagaimana tampak pd gbr dibawah.

Nah, jika suatu ketika Anda membaca artikel yg menurut Anda cukup bagus utk dishare pd orang lain, cobalah fitur ini.
Itung2 Anda juga membantu "spread the word about MobineSSia" *kedip*

By: rio
As posted on

Sunday morning

Baru ingat ada tugas lumayan bnyk ..termasuk ujian hr ini... kok jd pelupa y,,hmm *mikir* ky ga connect gt ma jadwal ndiri... Oleh: michiru
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bukan permainan koq..:D

Menjadi debu itu apa?

Hati yang binasa di bunuh cinta..
Tak ada rasa sehingga terasa hampa..
Bahkan kehilangan daya pendirian yang seolah tak kuasa berjalan dan hanya berjalan di tempat..

Bagaimana bisa kau terperdaya,
sedahsyat itukah asmara..
Yang membabi buta, menghantam halus jiwa manusia,
hingga berucap
aku telah kalah..!

Pada bab akhir sebuah cerita kecewa..

*hanya kata2 *senyum*

Oleh: nayfa
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Mengejar matahari

Menjadi mimpi

By: abenk8112
As posted on


Weleh2...Qo ra mebur.

By: abenk8112
As posted on

lwt web cam

aneh Y?

Oleh: emin
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